Seven Arrested for DUIs after Roving Saturation Patrols in Orange County
Seven drivers were arrested recently for drunk driving in Lake Forest and neighboring cities including Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita after the Orange County Sheriff’s Department conducted roving saturation patrols on March 6. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the patrol consisted of eight cars staffed with two deputies each. In total, the patrols stopped 105 vehicles. Seven drivers were arrested for DUIs and two were cited and released for driving on suspended licenses.
Law enforcement officials believe that roving patrols are more effective than DUI checkpoints because deputies look specifically for drivers who show signs of impairment. These patrol officers are reportedly trained to look for intoxicated drivers. These roving patrols are funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety.
Whether it is DUI checkpoints or roving patrols, there is no question that mistakes are consistently made by arresting officers. Breathalyzers and field sobriety tests have inherent flaws. Although officers may be specially trained to identify impaired or intoxicated drivers, they are by no means experts. They are human beings who are very likely to make mistakes.
The consequences for a driver who has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence can be devastating. A DUI conviction can result in jail time, fines, mandatory alcohol rehabilitation programs and installation of an ignition interlock device. These costs can add up to thousands of dollars. In addition, a DUI conviction can result in loss of employment as well.
If you have been accused of drunk driving in California, please do not take a chance. Contact the experienced Orange County DUI defense lawyers of Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. at 866-430-8383 to discuss your case at no-cost. Our experienced attorneys have had an excellent track record with getting our clients’ DUI charges dismissed or reduced. Call us today to find out how we can help.