Punk Rock Singer Casey Chaos Arrested for Driving under the Influence in Studio City
Indie punk rock singer Karim George Chmielinski, known as “Casey Chaos”, was arrested after allegedly striking multiple vehicles and driving away. According to a CBS Los Angeles news report, the incident occurred along Hillslope Street and Laurel Grove Avenue near Ventura Boulevard in Studio City. Officials say his vehicle struck three vehicles that were parked on the street. He suffered a bloody nose after hitting his steering wheel and reportedly failed a field sobriety test. It is unclear from the report if the field sobriety test was given while he was still shaken up and injured from the collisions. According to a report in LA Weekly, he was booked under $5,000 bail for drunk driving and hit-and-run.
California DUIs are “priorable” offenses. With each successive DUI conviction within a 10-year period, the resulting penalties are likely to increase. For example, first-time DUI offenders may face a three to five year probation, up to six months in county jail, up to $1,000 in fines, and a six to 10 month license suspension. A second offense, however, can result in up to a year of jail time and a two-year driver’s license suspension.
There are serious consequences for alcohol-related driving incidents in California. Anyone facing these types of charges should seek out immediate support from a skilled defense attorney. The experienced Studio City drunk driving defense lawyers at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a long history of handling drunk driving cases in southern California. We know how to negotiate for lesser penalties and how to keep our clients out of jail. If you or a loved one has been involved in an alcohol-related collision, please call our offices right away at (866) 430-8383 for a free consultation.