PC 1000 Court-Ordered Diversion Program for Drug Offenders

California offers a number of alternatives to jail time for drug offenders. The options available to someone charged with possession of drugs, or being under the influence of drugs, usually depend on the severity of the crime and the defendant’s prior criminal record. California drug laws allow more opportunities to avoid jail time for individuals who do not have a history of drug use and for those who have been charged with minor drug offenses.

California Penal Code 1000 allows certain drug offenders the opportunity to attend drug treatment programs instead of going to jail. Eligibility for a California drug diversion program is typically only available for defendants who:

  • Have no previous drug convictions
  • Are not facing violent crime charges
  • Have not violated parole or probation
  • Have not already attended a diversion program within the last five years
  • Have not committed a felony with the last five years

To fully understand your legal options, it would be in your best interest to contact the Los Angeles and Orange County drug crime defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. for a free consultation if you have been accused of a drug crime. There are a number of alternative drug sentencing options available in California. The goals of these drug programs are to keep the defendant out of jail and get them much-needed help and/or counseling to overcome addiction. If you are facing drug crime charges in Los Angeles or Orange Counties, please call our law offices at 866-430-8383 to get more information about your legal rights and options.

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