Orange County DUI Checkpoints Over Feb 11 Weekend

The weekend is a great time to unwind and get together with family and friends. Although everyone may not partake in drinking at various social events, it is important for you to be aware of the level of intoxication of the people you are spending time with. Drinking and driving is never a smart choice and it only puts lives in danger.

With this in mind, it may seem like law enforcement would never make any mistakes when it comes to conducting field sobriety tests or giving blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests at a DUI checkpoint. However, there are many factors that have often led to a wrongful Orange County DUI arrest. Without the right attorney on your side, a wrongful DUI conviction can tarnish your reputation, inflict steep fines, and cause you other inconveniences.

The following DUI checkpoints in Orange County have been announced for the weekend of February 11:

  • Feb. 11 in Newport Beach between 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., located at corner of Newport Blvd and Finley;
  • Feb. 11 in Lake Forest between 6:30 p.m. and 2:30 a.m., undisclosed location; and,
  • Feb. 12 in Costa Mesa between 7:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m., located at Newport Blvd and Flower Street.

Not every California DUI checkpoint or DUI roadblock arrest is justified. It is unlawful for an officer to stop a vehicle at random for a drunk driving investigation, unless certain criterion is met. While there are some provisions for DUI checkpoints, a solid defense can still be built in court to help reduce or dismiss the charges being held against you. Orange County drunk driving lawyers will investigate whether an officer had “probable cause” for the DUI arrest. An attorney will also evaluate whether the officer had legitimate facts to demonstrate a “reasonable suspicion” to detain you to begin with.

If you or someone you care about has been arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol in Orange County, call the Orange County DUI defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. for a free consultation. There is no time to waste. The sooner one of our attorneys can evaluate your situation; the better your chances are of walking away without a DUI on your record. Call 1-866-430-8383 today.

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