Mel Gibson Being Investigated for Domestic Violence

Well known actor Mel Gibson is being investigated for alleged domestic violence, according to a Contra Costa Times article. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department released a statement referring to an incident on January 6 between Mel Gibson and former girlfriend.

Law enforcement began investigating the allegations against Mr. Gibson after being contacted by the alleged victim. The article mentions that the couple has been involved in a heated child custody dispute over their 8-month-old daughter. A domestic violence restraining order was filed on June 25, alleging that Mr. Gibson punched her in the face multiple times. However, it is reported that sources have said that Gibson denied the allegation, stating that Mr. Gibson was just trying to stop Grigorieva from hurting the infant. Additional details regarding the domestic violence charges and any potential evidence have not been disclosed at this time.

Los Angeles domestic violence allegations should not be made or taken lightly. Many of these allegations are made after heated arguments, creating the potential for exaggeration. Those convicted of domestic violence, or spousal abuse, face severe penalties and life-altering consequences, making false domestic violence convictions all the more serious.

In Mr. Gibson’s case, the outcome of his child custody dispute may be jeopardized if he is convicted of the alleged domestic violence charges. Those who have previous criminal records may face additional challenges when presenting their innocence to the court. Mr. Gibson also has a DUI on his record for an incident that took place in 2006.

Experienced criminal defense attorneys who have handled many domestic violence cases are familiar with how officers tend to believe the first person to call the police without verifying the facts. Even when alleged crimes turn out to be simple misunderstandings, it takes a strong and effective defense to prove your case. At Sitkoff Law Group, Inc., our skilled Los Angeles domestic violence attorneys have the legal knowledge and skill to thoroughly investigate your case and build a strong defense on your behalf. To learn more about how we can defend your rights, call 866-430-8383 for a free and confidential consultation.

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