Man Arrested for DUI after Azusa Car Accident

A 52-year-old man from Azusa, CA, has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol after backing his SUV into a police car. According to a news report in The San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the arrest occurred on West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Azusa. Officials say that after being pulled over, the man put his Chevrolet Trailblazer in reverse and crashed into the police car. No one was hurt in the accident but the man was charged with driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license. It is unclear from the report as to why his license was previously suspended or if the officers administered a breath test at the scene.

Under California Vehicle Code 23152, “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.” It is also illegal in the state of California to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or higher. California Vehicle Code Section 14601 states that makes it illegal to drive on a suspended license.

The Los Angeles County DUI defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. protect the rights of motorists throughout LA County. We have extensive experience and a successful track record of helping those charged with driving under the influence. Our reputed lawyers carefully examine the circumstances surrounding an arrest to build a strong case on your behalf so we can fight for the charges made against you to be reduced or completely dismissed. If you have been charged with driving under the influence in California, please contact our law offices at 866-430-8383 today. We always offer free consultations.

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