Los Angeles Teacher Faces Child Pornography Charges

A Los Angeles elementary school teacher is facing child pornography charges after several pornographic images of children were found on his computer. According to KTLA News, investigators allege that the Carson fifth-grade teacher downloaded and possibly created images of child pornography. Detectives also stated that the man admitted to viewing and downloading images of child pornography, but he told officials he did not victimize any children. Investigators have confiscated the teacher’s computers and DVDs to look for possible evidence. They are also asking the public for help with identifying possible victims.

There are a number of child pornography laws in California that may be enforced depending upon the circumstances of the case. California Penal Code Section 311.11 makes it illegal to possess child pornography. Penal Code sections 311.1 and 311.2 make it a serious crime to distribute child pornography. Penal Code Section 311.3 places heavy restrictions on exchanging child pornography. Common penalties connected to these charges range from a year of imprisonment for a misdemeanor charge to up to eight years for a felony conviction.

In such cases, prosecutors will have to prove that the defendant knowingly committed an illegal act and that they should have reasonably known that the pornographic pictures were of someone under the age of 18. Anyone facing child pornography charges would be well- advised to speak with an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorney to learn about their legal options. In many ways, allegations of child pornography can be as devastating to an individual as a conviction.

The Los Angeles sex crime defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have successfully defended sex crime charges for numerous clients over the years. We understand that your reputation, your career, and your future are at stake. Call us today at 1-866-430-8383 to discuss your case in a free consultation.

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