Los Angeles Man Arrested for Possession of Marijuana

marijuana-bush_1429104.jpgA 23-year-old Los Angeles man faces multiple drug charges after officials found bags of marijuana in his vehicle.

According to a news report in The Redding Record Searchlight, the man was travelling from Tehama County back to Los Angeles when officials pulled him over for not having a front license plate.

The man apparently told officials that the marijuana was for his own personal use. He has been charged with transportation of marijuana for sale. Transportation of a controlled substance is a serious allegation that carries heavy penalties. An individual need not intend to sell the drugs to be charged with transportation. Mere possession of the controlled substances could result in these serious charges.

The penalties for transporting marijuana in California become more serious when the authorities decide the defendant had more drugs than one person could reasonably use. This means that large quantities of drugs typically result in an “intent to sell” charge, which is a felony. In some cases, a transportation charge can even increase to a trafficking allegation, which could result in even more serious penalties.

The Los Angeles marijuana defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a long history of successfully handling marijuana possession and transportation cases. Under most circumstances, we are able to have the charges reduced or even thrown out. To discuss your case at absolutely no cost, please call our offices at 866-430-8383.

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