How Many Drinks Does it Take to be Arrested for DUI?
You have probably seen billboards and advertisements that state that “buzzed driving” is drunk driving. If you are wondering what constitutes drunk driving and how many drinks will result in a DUI, you are probably not alone. While it is important to remember that there are many factors that determine blood alcohol levels, the following information can be a useful guideline for understanding how much alcohol can result in a DUI.
First, it is important to understand that the amount of blood in a driver’s system is called Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Driving with a BAC of 0.08 percent is illegal in California and most other states. California motorists determined to have a .08 BAC or higher could face serious penalties including driver’s license suspension, heavy fines and potential jail time.
Having less than one whole drink will more than likely result in your BAC rising to .01 or below. Completing one full drink could result in an alcohol level of approximately .02 percent. Having two drinks could result in a BAC of .04 or .05 percent BAC. This number can increase if the drinks were taken quickly and on an empty stomach. Drivers who reach the 0.08 percent BAC have probably had three to five drinks. Individuals who have consumed five to eight drinks will likely have a BAC of .1, which is well above the legal limit. A BAC of .16 means the individual likely had 10 or more drinks.
Factors that may affect the BAC results include the rate of drinking, the body size of the drinker, the body weight, gender and food intake. In some cases, BAC tests can prove inaccurate because of faulty equipment, tampering or errors made by officials.
The skilled Los Angeles DUI defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have had a long and successful track record of fighting DUI charges that are based on inaccurate test results. If you have been charged with driving under the influence in Southern California, please call our offices at 866-430-8383 for a free consultation.