Convicted Molester Charged with Violating Sex Offender Registration Laws
A 35-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly failing to file an alias and address change as required by California’s sex offender registration laws. According to a news report in the Los Angeles Times, the man was arrested after a Times investigation showed that he was involved in the process of placing actors, including children, in movies while being registered as a sex offender. He was convicted as a teenager in 1996 for an incident involving an 8-year-old he met at summer camp. Officials say that he did not file a change of address or a change of name. If convicted of those two charges, he could face up to three years in state prison. A representative for the defendant has stated that he has provided his legal name and passport to employers and that the change of address claim was related to a trip he was planning to visit his parents.
Having to register as a sex offender is one of the many serious consequences of a sex crime conviction. Having the stigma of being a convicted sexual offender can affect an individual’s life both professionally and socially. It can also have future legal implications. Previously convicted offenders can face felony charges if they fail to register each year, if they fail to register with their new county when they move, and if they fail to register a name change or alias.
Unfortunately, it is common for the authorities and juries to come down hard on individuals previously convicted of a sex crime with a minor. In such cases, newly rehabilitated individuals may suffer unfair treatment and harsh penalties because of their past conviction.
The skilled Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a long history of handling sex crime cases and charges involving sex crime registration issues. If you or a loved one has been arrested for a sex crime in Los Angeles, please contact us at (866) 430-8383 for a no-cost consultation.