California to Closely Track Sex Offenders
Five law enforcement teams were created throughout California to better track down sex offenders on parole. According to ABC News, these teams were created after police failed to monitor a paroled sex offender who hid a minor for 18 years in his backyard. These well-funded parole teams are working to track down and monitor parolees who are believed to pose the greatest risk to the public. These new parole teams scour the Internet for potential “predators” and also conduct home visits to make sure that previously convicted criminals are obeying the law. So far, 900 convicted sex offenders have already been arrested for violating the terms of their parole in 2010.
Random searches and investigations are just the newest examples of potential penalties for convicted sex criminals. Anyone convicted of a sex crime in California may also be forced to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law. This means that they will be required to register with their local police department every year and can go to jail for failing to do so. Neighbors can view details about their location and past crimes by visiting the Megan’s Law official website.
Defendants wrongfully charged with a sex crime in California have it in their best interest to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney right away. It is crucial to speak with an attorney before speaking with the police. Many sex crime allegations result from mistaken identities, ulterior motives and wrongful charges. An experienced attorney will work to have these inappropriate charges reduced or the case dismissed.
If you are facing sex crime charges in southern California, call the law offices of Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. to discuss your case. Our Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers will work with you to build a strong defense. We understand that your future is on the line and we will fight for your freedom. Call 1-866-430-8383 today for a free consultation.