California High School Students Could Be Arrested for Drug Sale
ABC News reports that 11 High School students in Ventura County could face drug charges after the arrest of a Thousand Oaks teen; who officials say, had marijuana in his vehicle and marijuana plants at his home. Police say the 18-year-old sold drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, Xanax and Vicodin to students at Westlake high school. Investigators say additional drug arrests are possible in this case.
You do not have to be found selling drugs to be charged with intent to sell. When the amount of drugs discovered is determined to be more than what one person can reasonably use, or if the manner in which it is packaged suggests that it is going to be shared or sold, that person faces “intent to sell” charges. One of the first steps a Los Angeles or Ventura County drug crime defense lawyer will perform is a thorough review of how the drugs were found. Everyone has a right to privacy in California. Police officers require a warrant or probable cause to search for and seize drugs from a suspect or vehicle.
Simple possession of marijuana in California is a misdemeanor. Even a first-time offense of possession with less than one ounce can lead to a $100 fine and jail time. However, cultivation, sale, distribution, transportation and selling drugs to minors all carry potentially life-changing penalties. Having an experienced drug crime defense lawyer on your side can make a huge difference in your drug case.
If you or a loved one is facing drug charges in Orange, Los Angeles or Ventura counties, please call Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. at 866-430-8383 for a free consultation and drug case evaluation. The stakes are high in such cases not only because it could result in jail time, but also because it could affect your career, life and future. Call our office today to find out how we can help.