Arrests Made after Drug Bust in Los Angeles County

A Los Angeles County drug bust resulted in the seizure of $6 million worth of marijuana plants and two arrests. According to a news report in the Los Angeles Times, the arrests occurred in Diamond Bar and Hacienda Heights. Officials served three search warrants and located more than 2,000 marijuana plants and 20 pounds of marijuana. Additionally, officers determined that electricity was being stolen from California Edison to grow the plants. A 43-year Rosemead man and a 45-year-old San Jose were booked for the marijuana-growing operation.

Cultivating marijuana in California, in any amount, is a felony. According to California Health and Safety Code 11358: “Every person who plants, cultivates, harvests, dries, or processes any marijuana or any part thereof, except as otherwise provided by law, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison.” In some cases, however, individuals can face lesser penalties if they can prove that they were cultivating the plants for personal or medical use only. In California, it is legal for cooperatives to grow marijuana for medical purposes; however, marijuana is still a banned or controlled substance under federal law.

Anyone facing charges for possessing, distributing, cultivating or trafficking marijuana will face jail time, heavy fines, and other serious consequences. A skilled criminal defense attorney will review the circumstances of the search, seizure, and arrest to determine how to pursue the best possible outcome for the defendant.

The experienced Diamond Bar marijuana defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a history of handling all types of drug crime charges. We provide no-cost case evaluations at (866) 430-8383 to anyone facing marijuana-related charges in Los Angeles County.

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