
Stepped Up DUI Enforcement on St. Patrick’s Day in Los Angeles

Each year, the Los Angeles Police Department and other police agencies in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura counties step up drunk driving enforcement during the holidays. This is also true for St. Patrick’s Day, which is not an official holiday, but is certainly a day that is famous for its raucous parties. Enjoying time with your friends and family members is an important part of any holiday. However, it is critical that you remember to not get behind the wheel while under the influence. Law enforcement agencies will be conducting Los Angeles St. Patrick’s Day DUI checkpoints and will be on the lookout for drivers who are operating vehicles while under the influence.

There are several steps we as drivers can take to avoid a DUI arrest this St. Patrick’s Day. First and foremost, it is important to avoid driving under the influence at any cost. Do not drive drunk and do not let your friends or party guests drive drunk either. If you plan on partying this St. Patrick’s Day, please assign a designated driver. If you have been drinking and cannot find a designated driver, call a cab or remain at the location of the party until you are sober and fit to drive.

The consequences of a California DUI arrest and/or conviction are severe in Los Angeles. Some of the most common consequences include: jail time, mandatory alcohol education programs, installation of an ignition interlock device, hefty fines, court costs, and an increase in insurance premiums.

If you or a loved one has been accused of driving under the influence, please contact the experienced Los Angeles County DUI defense lawyers at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. to better understand your rights and options. To obtain more information about defending your DUI, please contact us at (866) 430-8383 for a free and comprehensive consultation.

Posted in: DUI
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