A Riverside woman was arrested for the CA embezzlement of more than $1 million from a Mercedes Benz car dealership in Anaheim Hills where she worked. According to a news report in the Whittier Daily News, the Orange County District Attorney is charging Sheryl Lynne Law with grand theft by embezzlement, fraud and other counts. Prosecutors say Law wrote 144 fraudulent checks to her sister-in-law, Jessica Newark, of Whittier. Law apparently noted the checks as trade-in payments from the dealership when in fact Newark never traded in a vehicle with the dealership. Newark has also been charged with embezzlement. If convicted of the fraud, both could be sentenced to 63 years in state prison.
If you are convicted of embezzlement, theft, or fraud in California it could have a significant impact on your personal life, your job, career and future. A theft or fraud conviction could not only mean a lengthy jail or prison sentence and hefty fines, but it also tarnishes your reputation. When trust is lost, it is extremely hard to regain – as an employee or as a business. It could do long-term damage and jeopardize your chances of getting a good job.
If you have been accused of fraud, theft or burglary in Orange, Los Angeles or Ventura counties, please call Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. at 866-299-4111 for a free and comprehensive consultation. We will make sure that your rights are protected. Our goal is to keep you out of jail. Our skilled California criminal defense lawyers will strive to get your charges reduced, if not dismissed.