
The Requirement to Register as a Sex Offender

A major consequence of being convicted of a sex crime in California is the requirement to register as a sex offender. As a sex crimes registrant, the public has access to your address, photograph and the crimes you have been convicted of through the Department of Justice’s Megan’s Law database.

Megan’s Law, named after 7-year-old sex crime victim Megan Kanka, was passed on August 24, 2004. It was signed into law in September 2004. This database aims to provide the public with information about sex offenders in their area.

Registering as a sex offender in Southern California seriously affects an individual who has been convicted of a sex offense or served time in prison. However, a person is still penalized once they are back in society, even after they have served their sentence. Some sex offenders who are “found out” by their neighbors through the database may feel pressured to leave the neighborhood. A number of sex offenders end up living in motels because they cannot even rent a home without neighbors protesting. This is probably one of the most serious consequences of being convicted of a sex crime in Los Angeles or Orange County. Even false allegations of a sex crime are usually sufficient to taint your reputation for a lifetime. A conviction takes it several steps further by putting you on a database and branding you as a “sex offender” for life.

Please do not let this happen to you. Obviously defending yourself against any criminal charge is important, but proving your innocence in a sex crime case can significantly affect your future and how you carry out the rest of your life. The Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a reputation for fighting aggressively on behalf of their clients. Call us at 866-430-8383 for a free consultation.

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