
California Criminal Defense Attorneys


Orange County Court – Westminster Councilman Pleads Guilty to DUI

In Orange County Superior Court, a Westminster city councilman has been convicted of driving under the influence with a blood alcohol level of 0.26 percent – which is more than three times the legal limit of 0.08 percent. According to a FOX news report, the councilman was involved in a…


Man Charged in Orange County Sex Crimes

A 27-year-old Los Angeles man pleaded not guilty to several counts of kidnapping and sex crime charges in incidents involving Orange County girls, according to a news report in The Orange County Register. Prosecutors say the most recent sex crime involved a 10-year-old girl whom the man tried to kidnap…


More Women Being Arrested for Driving Under the Influence – DUI

More and more women are being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol – a trend which is apparent not only in Southern California or California, but also nationwide; according to a Riverside and San Bernardino County news report in the “Press Enterprise”. Nationally the number of women arrested…


Man Arrested for Possession of Drugs for Sale in Irvine

An Orange County man has been arrested after police in Irvine found more than 200 ecstasy tablets and 2.5 gallons of GHB ( a common “club drug’) in his vehicle. According to a news report, police found the 38-year-old man parked near an Irvine intersection. A vehicle search resulted in…


San Clemente Teen Faces Serious Sex Crime Charges

Internet sex crimes in Southern California and throughout the rest of the country are becoming more and more common as Web sites such as Craigslist gain popularity. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, an 18-year-old Orange County man was arrested for possibly having a sexual relationship…


Eight Drunk Drivers Arrested at Orange County DUI Checkpoints in Laguna and Irvine

DUI checkpoints in Orange County recently nabbed several drivers who were said to have been driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs in Laguna and Irvine, according to the Orange County Register. Many of these DUI checkpoints in Orange County are funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety…


Woman Says She Was Arrested for Possession of Medical Marijuana

Drug crimes, especially those involving marijuana or concentrated cannabis, can be extremely complex and controversial because the laws involving these drugs are convoluted and difficult to understand. The San Bernardino Sun recently reported that the vice principal of a school in San Bernardino, who was arrested on charges of possessing…


Four Arrested in Los Angeles Taco Truck Robberies

Police in East Los Angeles arrested four men in connection with a series of armed taco truck robberies, the Long Beach Press Telegram reports. All men were taken into custody for their alleged involvement in at least 22 felony armed robberies of taco trucks beginning in April. Police said two…


Teen Driver Convicted of DUI Second-Degree Murder

An 18-year-old Orange County man was reportedly the first juvenile to be charged as an adult with murder in a drunk driving crash. According to this news report, he was 17 at the time of the Orange County DUI accident, which killed his teen passenger, a Tustin girl. An Orange…

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