A history teacher at a Cypress school has been charged with sex crimes against a 17-year-old student, according to a news report in The Orange County Register. The 42-year-old history teacher has been accused of one misdemeanor and six felonies that allegedly took place on six separate occasions. Police have apparently obtained about 11 pages of sexually explicit text messages the teacher sent to the girl in September and October. According to the report, the girl’s mother discovered the text messages and handed them over to police.
And in another recent high profile case, a former California Highway Patrol Lieutenant, was found guilty Tuesday in an Orange County court of attempted lewd acts on a child. Had had sent text messages to an undercover police officer who was posing as a 13 year old female.
Sex crimes, such as child molestation, are among the most forcefully prosecuted and severely punished offenses in our criminal justice system today in Orange County. Even if you are not guilty of the sex crime allegations, when you hold a profession, such as a teacher, police officer, or someone respected in society, you run the risk of ruining your reputation and losing your livelihood. Many sex offense defendants are drastically affected by sex crime charges, even if they are not convicted. This is especially true with regard to crimes involving children or minors. If convicted of a sex crime in Orange County, you may encounter extremely serious consequences including a lengthy prison sentence and registration as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
Please do not allow this to happen to you. If you have been charged with a sex crime in Orange County, you need an experienced Orange County sex offense lawyer. At Sitkoff Law Group, Inc., our lawyers are former district attorneys who understand sex crime cases both from the prosecution and defense point of view. Even if you believe the evidence against you is overwhelming, we can provide aggressive defense on your behalf to bring about the best possible result. Call us for a free consultation today at 866-430-8383.
Source: http://www.ocregister.com/news/ontiveros-227376-text-messages.html