
“Mooning Amtrak” 2009 – City of Laguna Niguel Hints Arrests May Be Made

Recent news reports indicate that participants may be arrested for participating in the annual “Mooning Amtrak” event that has been held for over thirty years in Laguna Niguel, California. This unsponsored event has drawn thousands of people as they stand next to the rail lines “mooning” passing trains. It is unknown just how many people will show up this time on Camino Capistrano Road on Saturday, July 18th and “moon” passing trains. A smaller crowd is likely because some have said that this year city officials will allegedly “crack down” on the “flashing” conduct and arrests are possible.

Technically a violation of law, exposing one’s buttocks, genitals or private parts is defined as indecent exposure by the California Penal Code. A first offense conviction for indecent exposure in Orange County could involve jail time and repeat offenders can receive up to a year in the county jail or be charged with a felony. Although the law is aimed primarily at those who flash or expose themselves on city streets, a subsection of the law also punishes those who arrange events for others to expose themselves in public. These events supposedly incite lewd or lascivious acts.

News of an arrest for indecent exposure or lewd conduct can result in embarrassment, or even worse, loss of a job and your reputation. Often the mere fact of a lewd act charge being made public can damage a professional career and tarnish social relationships.

If you are facing a charge of lewd conduct or have been arrested for indecent exposure, please contact the Orange County offices of the lewd conduct defense attorneys Sitkoff Law Group, Inc.. As former sex crimes prosecutors, we understand how damaging even a single conviction of indecent exposure can be. Our skilled Orange County lewd conduct defense attorneys will diligently protect the rights of the accused to get the charges reduced or dismissed. Contact our firm today for a free case consultation by calling 1-866-430-8383.

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