
New Bill Would Send Sex Offenders Back to Prison

Some sex offenders are required as part of their probation to wear GPS tracking devices. It is against the law to tamper with a GPS tracker and a new bill that is currently under consideration will send offenders who remove their devices to state prison. According to a news report in The Los Angeles Times, the bill passed its first legislative committee on April 30. If it becomes law, a first offense would result in a mandatory 180 days in county jail. A second offense would result in up to one year in county jail and a third offense would be punishable by a prison sentence. If it passes, this new bill would affect about 8,000 paroled sex offenders who are currently required to wear electronic monitors.

As the law stands now, the maximum penalty you can face for removing a GPS device is 180 days in county jail. This new bill substantially increases the penalties, but it is not the toughest bill that has recently come up for debate. At least one measure backed by Republican leaders called for prison sentences for first-time offenders.

Wearing a GPS device is just one of the many consequences that can result from a sex crime conviction. Since Jessica’s Law took effect in November 2006, registered offenders in California are not allowed to live near schools and parks. Furthermore, there are a number of jobs that registered offenders are not allowed to have and many employers will not even consider an applicant with a sex crime conviction on their record. In some communities, registered sex offenders are not even allowed to utilize public parks.

Being convicted of a sex crime can affect every aspect of your life. If you or a loved one has been charged with a sex crime, it is crucial that you reach out to an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorney at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc., right away. The stakes in these types of cases are extremely high. It is important that you contact a defense lawyer who will protect your rights every step of the way.

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