A 27-year-old Los Angeles man pleaded not guilty to several counts of kidnapping and sex crime charges in incidents involving Orange County girls, according to a news report in The Orange County Register. Prosecutors say the most recent sex crime involved a 10-year-old girl whom the man tried to kidnap as she was throwing out trash behind her apartment complex in Anaheim. The man tried to lure the girl by showing her a handful of cash, officials said. The girl reported the incident to her father, who got all but one of the car’s license plate numbers as the man drove away. Two other incidents were also reported, one involving the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl in the man’s car.
Every sex crime case varies to a broad degree based on specific circumstances. Just because someone may have been charged with a sex crime, doesn’t mean that they are automatically. As Los Angeles and Orange County sex crime attorneys, we have seen many cases where defendants are wrongly accused of committing a sex crime. This particularly happens in cases involving children. Some of the issues we have seen include mistaken identity and wrongful accusations by a spouse who is contemplating a divorce and wants sole custody of the children. The penalties for sex crimes are extremely severe and often include a lengthy prison sentence and required registration as a sex offender. When you are convicted or even charged with a sex offense, you must live with that stigma and the effects it has on relationships and employment.
If you have been charged with a sex offense or find out that you are being investigated in connection with a sex crime, it pays to retain the services of experienced Los Angeles and Orange County sex crime defense attorneys who will intervene early and make sure your legal rights are protected. If you or a loved one has been accused of committing a sex crime in Southern California, please call Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. for a free consultation and evaluation of your case. Our criminal defense lawyers have more than 60 years of criminal prosecution, investigation, judicial and defense trial experience. If you have been arrested for a violation of a sex crime law, contact a Los Angeles or Orange County sex crime lawyer immediately by calling 866-430-8383.
Source article: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/canchola-girl-car-2553116-schroeder-amormino