
Man Arrested for DUI Robbery and Hit-and-Run in Orange County

A 27-year-old Pomona man is facing drunk driving and several other criminal charges in Orange County after police say he hit two parked cars, struck another vehicle and robbed a cell phone from a passer-by in Fullerton. According to a news report, Fullerton police officers arrested the man for robbery, DUI, hit-and-run and driving with a suspended license.

All these charges are extremely serious and could have disastrous legal consequences including jail time, hefty financial penalties and costly legal fees. Driving under the influence is a crime in California. It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or more. It is also a serious violation of the California Vehicle Code section 20002 to leave the scene of an accident; you are required to stop even if the accident only involves property damage and exchange identification and information with the other parties involved.

In California, cases where a hit-and-run results in death or serious injury, the defendant may be charged with a felony crime. Penalties can be extremely severe. If convicted, you could face a state prison or jail sentence and fines of up to $10,000. If you are also charged with DUI and/or vehicular manslaughter in addition to hit-and-run, you will face more penalties and severe punishment.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DUI, hit-and-run or other serious traffic violations, please contact an experienced Orange County criminal defense lawyer at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. for a free consultation. We will fight to protect your legal rights and work hard to get a positive outcome in your case. Call 866-430-8383 today!

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