A 23-year-old male volunteer at a high school in Azusa has been charged with oral copulation with a 16-year-old female student. According to a CBS news report, the man works and volunteers at four different schools in Los Angeles and Orange counties. Authorities were approached by the girl’s parents who said she was possibly involved in an inappropriate relationship with the volunteer. Police are looking into whether there were other victims. The man was arrested for felony sex charges.
Sex crimes are criminal offenses that are of a sexual nature. The charges that are filed in connection with a sex crime or the punishment for a sex crime really depend on the type or severity of the crime. A misdemeanor sex crime conviction can result in up to one year in county jail. A felony sex crime conviction could result in a jail sentence to life in prison. Some sex crimes can also be considered a “strike” under California’s Three Strikes Law.
In addition, conviction for some sex crimes could also result in mandatory registration as a sex offender. A defendant’s prior criminal record can also have an impact on the severity of charges filed. If you are facing a sex crime charge, it would be in your best interest not to talk to police without having a Los Angeles sex crime defense attorney present. Remember, anything you say could be misconstrued or misinterpreted and used against you during the trial.
The Los Angeles criminal defense law firm of Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. has more than 60 years of experience handling high-profile felony cases and misdemeanor cases. We have obtained acquittals or have been able to significantly reduce charges in sex crime cases. Your reputation, career and future are at stake here. Please do not take a chance. Call us today at 866-430-8383 to discuss your case at no cost.