A 50-year old high school teacher in Redondo Beach has been accused of engaging in lewd behavior in the presence of a student at the local high school. According to CBS news report, the teacher was arrested and booked for arranging a meeting with a minor “for purposes of engaging in lewd behavior.” Redondo Beach police officials said that the incident involved a 16-year-old girl. The teacher is accused of talking about sex and engaging in “a sexual act in her presence.” The teen reported the incident to school officials. The teacher, who has taught at the high school for eight years, is a married man with two children, according to the news article.
Sex crime charges can have devastating effects on a person’s life. As a teacher who is facing a serious sex crime charge, this individual is looking at prison time, hefty penalties and required registration as a sex offender. This could mean the end of his teaching career. He may not even be allowed to be around children or minors if convicted of this serious sex crime charge.
There’s a lot at stake in such cases and that’s why it is extremely important for anyone accused of a sex crime to seek the counsel of an experienced Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyer. If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, you need an attorney who will listen to your side of the story and make sure the facts are accurately conveyed. In many cases involving minors, the criminal defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have found that false charges and misunderstandings can lead to the sex charges. We have been able to get serious sex offenses dismissed. Call us today at 866-430-8383 for a free and confidential consultation. This decision could affect your career, your future and your life. Let us help.
Source: http://cbs2.com/local/Teacher.Lewd.Act.2.1351001.html