A 53-year-old male resident of Laguna Niguel has pleaded not guilty to several sex crime charges. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the incidents occurred as far back as July 2007 and as recently as August 13, 2011. The accusations include inappropriate touching, showing women porn on his work computer, and attempts to rape women in the storage area of his rug store.
It is common in cases involving sex crimes for multiple accusers to step forward. A skilled criminal defense attorney will carefully examine the motives behind each allegation. While it is important for the truth to come out and for justice to be served, it is also important that individuals are not wrongfully accused of crimes they did not commit.
Sex crimes carry heavy penalties in California, including jail or prison time, hefty fines and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Information about sex offenders is also available through the Department of Justice’s website. This can make it extremely difficult for convicted sex offenders to get a job, a professional license, or even a place to live. Individuals facing one or more sex crime offenses have it in their best interest to seek the counsel of a skilled lawyer who has experience handling similar cases. A knowledgeable defense lawyer will be able to work toward getting the charges dismissed or reduced.
The reputed Laguna Niguel sex crime defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. handle a wide range of criminal cases throughout Orange County and southern California. If you or a loved one is facing sex crime charges, please call our offices right away at 866-430-8383 to discuss your case at absolutely no cost.