A 71-year-old Cypress man has been arrested for molesting four of his female family members over the last 15 years, the Orange County Register reports in a story. Two of the women are now adults and two others are still minors. The four alleged victims told police that the sexual abuse in Orange County began when they were 12, 3, 6 and 6 respectively. The investigation began last month when the four women went to the Cypress Police Department.
All four women accused the man of inappropriate touching, photographing and molesting. He threatened to “kill them” if they told anyone about the alleged incidents, the news report states. Police arrested him in his Cypress home on May 19 and also found nine revolvers, a semi-automatic handgun, a rifle and shotgun. They also seized three computers to search for other evidence such as photos, officials said.
Punishment for a sex crime offender varies by type and level of charge. A misdemeanor sex crime conviction can be punished by up to one year of county jail time. A conviction for a sex crime can also include lifetime sex offender registration, mandatory counseling, AIDS testing, community service, high fines and probation among other penalties. A felony sex crime conviction can result in a prison sentence. The length of incarceration could depend on the nature of the crime.
If you or a loved one has been accused of a sex crime in Orange or Los Angeles counties, you need experienced Orange County sex crime defense attorneys who will fight for and protect your legal rights. If you facing allegations of child sex abuse or any other sex crime charges, please call Sitkoff Law Group, Inc.. at 866-299-4111 for a free consultation.