
Driving Under the Influence Just Got Costlier in Orange County City of Westminster

If you cause a DUI collision in the city of Westminster, you could be slapped with a bill as high as $12,000. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the City Council voted unanimously to make an addition to an existing ordinance clarifying the types of situations for which drunk drivers can be billed. City officials believe that this will not only discourage drivers from getting behind the wheel while under the influence, but also add money to the city’s coffers.

Westminster Police Chief Ron Coopman says the city will aggressively go after drunk drivers to recover costs including police and fire personnel, cost of equipment used at the scene, medical assistance, and costs of conducting accident and DUI investigations. Westminster is not alone. There are 14 other police departments in Orange County that have similar programs.

This no doubt raises the already high cost of DUI penalties. Including vehicle storage fees, court costs, insurance rate hikes, fines, and DUI classes, drivers are already looking at a bill of $10,000. These city programs that charge drivers convicted of a DUI for emergency fees of up to $12,000 can bury an individual deep in debt. This is yet another reason to make sure that you have a skilled Orange County DUI defense lawyer on your side, protecting your rights and vigorously fighting all charges.

The Orange County drunk driving defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. have a long and successful track record of defending drivers and making sure that they do not face unnecessarily harsh penalties. Call us today at (866) 430-8383 to find out how we have helped numerous clients get their DUI charges lessened or even dismissed. We are here to help you.

Posted in: DUI
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