A California State Senator wants boaters convicted of operating their boat under the influence to lose their driver’s license as well, Havasu News reports. Senator John J. Benoit, R-Bermuda Dunes, has introduced SB 154, which would basically cause the suspension of California driver’s license for individuals convicted of boating under the influence.
The California Department of Motor Vehicles used to suspend driver’s licenses for those convicted of boating under the influence (BUI) in the mid 90s. But that procedure was ordered stopped by the California Court of Appeals in 2008, citing lack of statutory authority.
This bill basically calls for the DMV to suspend the driving privilege of anyone convicted with a prior California DUI or BUI conviction. It would also mandate that anyone convicted of boating under the influence attend and complete an alcohol education program. The California Department of Boating and Waterways estimates that nearly half of all deaths on California’s waterways are caused by impaired vessel operators. The bill has been passed by the Senate and also got the support of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. It is awaiting action by the full Assembly.
Losing your driver license is no joke. It could turn your life upside down. Imagine not being able to get to work or school. If your job involves a lot of driving or travel, you could lose your livelihood. A driver’s license suspension, even for a few months, could have devastating consequences on your life. If you’ve been charged with driving or boating under the influence, please consult with an experienced CA DUI defense attorney at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. for a free and comprehensive consultation.