
Burbank Sex Offender Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography

Burbank police officers recently arrested a 69-year-old convicted sex offender for possessing images of underage girls in his car. According to The Los Angeles Times, police stopped the man for allegedly not wearing his seatbelt. During a search of his car, officers found clothing for young girls and 19 digital photos of underage girls involved in sex acts. He was being held in lieu of $380,000 bail.

California’s child pornography law is clearly defined in California Penal Code Section 311.3 (a): “A person is guilty of sexual exploitation of a child if he or she knowingly develops, duplicates, prints, or exchanges any representation of information, data, or image … that depicts a person under the age of 18 years engaged in an act of sexual conduct.” An individual who is convicted of a child pornography offense could face heavy fines, jail or prison time, and possible registration as a sex offender.

Child pornography criminal charges are definitely worth fighting because there are several plausible defenses. The charges may have been the result of entrapment or misunderstanding. Especially when the charges involve Internet child pornography, there are many ways in which the defendant may not even have known what website he or she was visiting or how the images came to be on his or her computer.

If you have been arrested for child pornography charges, you need the experience of experienced Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers on your side. The knowledgeable defense attorneys at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. know how to fight these charges and help you obtain the best possible outcome in your case. Please contact us at (866) 430-8383 for a free and comprehensive consultation.

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